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Global Furniture (Furniture)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

GPS: Lat 8.995539 / Lon 38.766817

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  • Global Furniture (Furniture) 1
    we ordered a file cabinet and a shoe rack from Globe Furniture in Addis Ababa to be installed in our apartment. While we were transporting them to our home, the shoe rack fell apart on our car. Because it was suppose to be assembled and installed in the apartment. instead they assembled it and and gave us to install it at home. when they come home to install it, they saw it fell apart and damaged. They took it back to their factory to fix it. However it has been more than 5 months since they took it back and didn't do anything. We called the marketing manager Mr Amanuel Teshome who took back the shoe rock to fix it. He told us to wait sometime because he was busy of installing different furnitures in another places. we gave him almost 5 months but he finally stopped to answer our phone. And we called him by a different phone number and he picked it up and said he can't fix the shoe rock. He spoke with us with his another colleague in a disrespectful manner. This is tantamount to theft. I have never seen a big company acted this way like a low level woodwork place. This is a disgrace to the company. Now I need a solution to this disgusting problem.

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