Ethiopian Postal Service Enterprise (Main Post Office) (Post Office)
by yoni
i tell as my point of view and reality Ethiopian postal service is one of the quickest developed and fastest growing company
Ethiopian Postal Service Enterprise (Main Post Office) (Post Office)
by Shekur
I have 1 product with u which is sent from Saudi Arabia with CP045944345SA on the date 22/07/2018 but still no one called me to collect my product. Therefore, could you please check whether my product is arrived or not in your enterprise. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Ethiopian Postal Service Enterprise (Main Post Office) (Post Office)
by an AddisMap visitor
Ethiopian Postal Service Enterprise (Main Post Office) (Post Office)
by Tek
Thank you and really proud of your quickest, safe and dependable services. Keep it up as strong as ever before.
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