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Your wheel matters, so check it out!!!

We provide alignment services using the latest American made Laser guided wheel alignment tools. We measure

  • Caster
  • Camber
  • SAI
  • Two wheel center line
  • Total Four Wheel
  • Thrust angle
  • Set back
  • Toe in & Out

We are forefront and unparallel in the sphere.

You will recogenize our quality jobs!

Contact Us: +251 911 86 41 91 , +251 911 24 22 77

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Our Address

CANDLS Wheel Alignment & Paint Booth Service (Car)

Nifas Silk Lafto
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

GPS: Lat 8.977438 / Lon 38.761516

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  • CANDLS Wheel Alignment & Paint Booth Service (Car) 5
  • CANDLS Wheel Alignment & Paint Booth Service (Car) 5
    Wow !!
  • CANDLS Wheel Alignment & Paint Booth Service (Car) 5
    best service quick and exccelent. I recommend the place for alignment and paint oven
  • CANDLS Wheel Alignment & Paint Booth Service (Car) 5
    Best laser alignment with accurate result!
  • CANDLS Wheel Alignment & Paint Booth Service (Car) 5
    I’m very satisfied with the service I’ve received tnx CANDLS
  • CANDLS Wheel Alignment & Paint Booth Service (Car) 5
    ለበርካታ ተሽከርካሪዎች የማያዳግም የመሪ ችግሮች መፍትሄ ስትሰጡ ተመልክቼያለሁ በዚሁ ቀጥሉበት፡፡
  • CANDLS Wheel Alignment & Paint Booth Service (Car) 5
    They are friendly, knows what they are doing and very affordable. Keep it up.
  • CANDLS Wheel Alignment & Paint Booth Service (Car) 5
    መኪናዬ ቀኝ መሪ የነበረች ስትሆን ብዙ ግዜ መሪ ላይ ችግር ነበራት ችግሩም ለመፍታተ የተለያየ ቦታ ብሄድም መፍትሄ ማግኘት አልቻልኩም ነበር ይሁን እንጀ ካንድልስ አላይሜንት በሚገርም ሁኔታ አስተካክለውልኛል መኪናየም ጎማ ያለወቅቱ መፍጀት አቁማለች ካለአስፈላጊ ወጪም ተገልጋዩሎሁ በጣም ቆንጆ ስራ ነዉ ቀጥሉበት !!
  • CANDLS Wheel Alignment & Paint Booth Service (Car) 5
    Great place !! talented ppl out there
  • CANDLS Wheel Alignment & Paint Booth Service (Car) 5
    CANDLS did an excellent job with the alignment on my car and they were very responsive by email and phone. I’ll definitely be back again!
  • CANDLS Wheel Alignment & Paint Booth Service (Car) 3
    Great job!!!!!
  • CANDLS Wheel Alignment & Paint Booth Service (Car) 5
    I never thought there was a wheel alignment service in Addis. I'm so glad I found CANDLS. The roads in Addis are horrible and they misalign wheels constantly. If you want to save on tires, get your wheel alignment done by professionals at CANDLS.

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